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eLeather is the ultimate solution for your leather products that have been subject to mold, dehydration, or both. It eliminates bacteria on the surface of the leather and penetrates deep into the leather to soften and supple it. It continues to work long after it's been applied and is great for cleaning up after events, workshops and for general daily use. Amazing product for saddles, halters, and bridles. Keep your expensive leather gear safe from bacteria and looking sharp and clean everyday.
4oz bottle
4oz bottle
"I had an old saddle sitting in the barn collecting dust that I wanted to pull out and sell. I had acquired a bottle of eLeather last year and had been wanting to try it out. I however was not convinced it would do a better a job than liquid saddle soap. So out of curiosity I cleaned one side of the saddle with Saddle soap and the other with eLeather. the eLeather seemed to lift years of old soap and oil residues off the saddle, as well as softened the leather and shined up the conchoes."